
Mykonos International Airport · Mykonos

Mykonos travel peak season begins in June and ends in mid-September. Our experienced team is ready to assist in making your trip to Mykonos smooth and stress-free.

Location Details

Support Region
Local Time
24/7 Phone

Radio frequency

131.41 MHz

Languages spoken

English and Greek

Hours of operation

Open 24 hours




Mykonos International Airport, 84600, Mykonos, Greece.

Yiannis ArkoulisManaging Director


Some Great Reasons to Choose Us

  1. Our operations center is 24/7. We monitor your trip details closely and work with local authorities to facilitate slots and permitting.
  2. We supervise your mission and its logistical components for outmost efficiency. Our staff will be ensuring compliance and fast turnaround times for under the wing services and the handling of equipment.
  3. As Mykonos is a turnaround-only airport we can provide supervision across Greece and our beautiful islands.

Services & Amenities for this Location

Featured Services & Amenities

Preferred Service Partner

Catering Arrangements

All Available Services & Amenities

  • Flight Plan Filing
  • Weather Briefings
  • Permit Coordination
  • Baggage Handling
  • Security Arrangements
  • Crew Hotel Arrangements
  • Refreshments
  • Catering Arrangements
  • Ground Transportation
  • VIP Passenger Lounge
  • Maintenance
  • Car Rental
  • Lav Services
  • Oxygen Service
  • Customs & Immigration
  • Restrooms
  • Air Conditioning

Airport Information

Attribute Detail
Airport Name Mykonos International Airport
Location Mykonos International Airport, 84600, Mykonos, Greece.
LAT / LON N37°26’06.4600 / E025°20’53.1700
Elevation 123.45 M
Magnetic Variation 4°24’Ε (4.40°E) (JAN 2019) /Annual change 5′ 22’’ E (0.0894°E)
Airport of Entry Yes
LAT/LON 37°26’3.16″N25°20’44.68″E
Hours of Operation Available on NOTAMS
Restrictions Parking restrictions, PPR, Slot coordinated.
Fuel Available Jet A1
Longest Runway 1902 x 30 meters
Approaches VOR/DME RWY 34 / Lz RWY 34 / VORy RWY 34 / RNAV (GNSS) RWY 34
Navaid MIKONOS VOR/DME (4°E) MKN / MIKONOS L (4°E / 2013 MKO
ACAS/TCAS II Yes, for aircraft with MTOW over 5700 kgs or 19 seats capacity
ICAO Annex 16, Chapter II Not allowed for aircraft heavier than 34000 kgs.
RNAV5/RNAV10 Airspace RVAN5 only
8.33 MHz channel spacing Yes, except state flights with UHF only
Fire Category VII
Slots Required Yes
Tower Frequency 119.875 or 118.750
ATIS 128.850 to be changed soon to 128.855
Airport Diagram

Diagram of LGMK

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